Friday, October 30, 2009

The Brad Pitt Troy Workout

The famous actor has pride in his body and workouts, and it definitely shows. The workouts that Brad Pitt has performed are highly intense and physically demanding on your body. If you attempt the following workout, please work your way up to the sets and reps if you are a beginner. Be patient as it will take time for your muscles to get use to the workout. Follow this workout and you too will have a body like Brad Pitt.

First off, stretch out each muscle before you work it out. Also get your blood moving and your heart beating by completing a small run before you workout.

Day 1:

Work out your chest muscles and triceps. In between each set, give yourself only a 45 second break. Also, never go do in weight. Always keep the same amount of weight, or up the weight.

Chest (10 reps; 4sets): Bench Press, Incline Press, Decline Bench Press, Dumbbell Flyes

Triceps (10 reps; 4 sets): Cable Pull Down (Triangle Bar), Cable Pull Down (Rope), Cable Pull Down (Straight Bar), Overhead Dumbbell Press

Day 2:

After day 1 your muscles should feel sore. This is common and make sure you stretch out your triceps and chest. For this workout, stretch out your legs and biceps. First, workout your biceps, then complete a 10 minute run and perform the leg workout.

Biceps (10 reps; 4 sets): Preacher Curl, Dumbbell Curl, Sit Down Curl, Cable Curl (Straight Bar)

Day 3:

If you are too sore to perform another day of workout, just take the day off and try out this workout on day 4. Remember to stretch out all your muscles.

Back (15 reps; 3 sets): Lat Pull Downs, Dumbbell Back Raises

Shoulders (15 reps; 3 sets): Shrugs, Cable Lifts, Dumbbell Side Rises

Day 4:

Repeat Day 1. Do the same exact reps and sets, if you want to change up a certain exercise, feel free to do so. Remember to keep the 45 second rest interval.

Day 5:

Repeat day 2. Do the same exact reps and sets, if you want to change up a certain exercise, feel free to do so. Remember to keep the 45 second rest interval.

Day 6:

Repeat day 3. Do the same exact reps and sets, if you want to change up a certain exercise, feel free to do so. Remember to keep the 45 second rest interval.

On day 7 you should get some rest. Try lifting nothing on this day. Once you get into the routine things will be a lot smoother and easier. You will see an increase in muscle growth if you keep up with this program.

For a more comprehensive Brad Pitt Troy Workout, Click Here!