Friday, November 27, 2009

Gym Chest Workouts: Get In Shape!

You have come to the right place if you are looking how to build your chest stronger and get it looking more cut. Every guy’s dream is to have a good looking chest. To achieve a chest of your standards is a lot easier than you may think. If you put in the work into the below chest workout routines, you will see great results.

Chest Exercise #1: Flat Bench Press

Every chest workout routine should include this exercise. All you have to do is find a bench press machine or free weight, and select a desired weight. Place your hands slightly further than shoulder width apart. Next, lower the bar slowly down to your chest until it is 2 inches away from your chest. Next, slowly lift the bar upwards to your starting position. Repeat this 10 times and complete 4 sets.

Chest Exercise #2: Dumbbell Bench Press

Find a bench and lay your back flat on it. Grab 2 dumbbells and lift them upwards until the two dumbbells touch. Your arms should be fully extended at this point. Next, lower the dumbbells slowly until your arms and elbows reach a 90 degree angle. Repeat this 10 times and complete 4 sets.

Chest Exercise #3: Incline Bench Press

Find an incline bench press or machine. Place your hands slightly further than shoulder width apart. Next, lower the bar slowly down to your chest until it is 2 inches away from your chest. Next, slowly lift the bar upwards to your starting position. Repeat this 10 times and complete 4 sets.

Chest Exercise #4: Decline Bench Press

Find a decline bench or machine. Place your hands slightly further than shoulder width apart. Next, lower the bar slowly down to your chest until it is 2 inches away from your chest. Next, slowly lift the bar upwards to your starting position. Repeat this 10 times and complete 4 sets.

I would recommend that you work your chest out at least 2 times a week, but no more than 3 times a week. Try to never lower the weight when you move onto the next set. If you follow the above gym chest workouts and you put in the time, you will see results.

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Swimming As Exercise: A Must!

Swimming is such a great workout and many people tend to overlook it. Many think that swimming is just for fun or actual swimming competitors. This could not be farther from the truth. Everyone should have a swimming workout as it gets you a full body workout. Swimming with make your shoulder, chest, back and leg muscles stronger and more tone. Swimming as exercise is a great alternative to many gym workouts, and you should try the below routine out.

Before you perform the swimming routine, you must make sure you give your body a full body stretch. Since you are using all your muscles when swimming it is very important to have a great stretch performed. Also, you must stay hydrated throughout the entire workout.

Begin your workout with a light swim for 5 minutes. After your 5 minutes are up, stretch out once again, but this time it does not have to be as intense.

Next, perform a freestyle swim for 20 laps. Rest in between at lap 10 for about 30 seconds.

Next, complete a butterfly stroke for 20 laps, also resting at lap 10. By now you should feel your blood pumping.

After the butterfly, complete 20 laps of the back stroke. Once again rest at 10 laps.

Next, complete 30 laps of the freestyle swim. Resting at 10 laps and 20 laps.

Now perform a cool-down swim. Complete 10 laps of the breast stroke and 10 laps of the free-style swim. Stretch out after you are done.

This swimming routine is simple but will get your muscles tone. Swimming as exercise is a great workout for your body and will help you stay in shape.

Saturday, November 7, 2009

How To Lose Stomach Weight By Eating Healthy

Extra stomach weight is a tremendous problem for most people. The extra fat that you hold on your stomach is unattractive and unnecessary. So why can’t people like you seem to find a right diet to get their bellies flat and lean? The answer is simple, it is because no one gets provided the right dieting tips and how to get off your current eating habits. Your body takes time to adjust and most plans till you to stop eating what you are and try healthier foods. Well this will not work because your body and taste buds must adapt. Follow the below tips and you will be eating healthier and thus losing weight in your stomach.

You must eat healthy foods in order to get your stomach to lose weight. Follow the below guide to healthy foods and you will start to lose stomach weight.

Healthy Foods For You To Eat

1. Vegetables. Now most people hate eating their veggies. However, a smart way to trick your taste buds is to steam or grill them. You also can put melted cheese on them at the beginning, but do not make a habit of this as cheese is bad for you.
2. Fruits. Slicing fruits into small pieces actually will help you like the taste more. You can also try drying fruit, which is another way of tricking your taste buds.
3. Turkey. This white meat is high in protein, low in fat and is very good for you.
4. Tuna and other seafood products. Most seafood products are extremely low in fat and high in protein, a good combo.
5. Chicken. A great white meat for you that is also high in protein and low in fat. Do not get chicken that is seasoned in fatty broth.
6. Lean red meat. You can find 98% fat free red meat at your local grocery store.

In order to switch to these healthy foods you must make a gradual switch from your present eating habits. Take your time when you’re making this switch and never rush yourself. Your body needs time to adjust to the new food and its tastes. If you eat fast food 4 times a week, try eating it only 3 times a week and on the 4th time try eating something healthy. Slowly you will stop eating fast food altogether and eating nothing but healthy food. Set a goal for yourself and keep yourself on top of it. Also, be realistic with your goal and most importantly be patient. You will see results. For a more extensive guide to lose stomach weight visit

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

A Great Muscle Building Workout

Are your ready to gain an immense amount of muscle in just months? Well, it is obtainable, but will require you to put some effort and time into your workouts. I have performed the following muscle building workouts and I have gone from skinny and puny to thick and ripped. Find out how below.

First, you must stretch each muscle before you work it out. This is necessary because it will allow your muscles to grow faster and leaner. Also, get your heart rate pumping before you go into your workout. Complete a 5-10 minute run before your workout.

You will be on a 6 day a week schedule. You will complete each workout twice a week.

Day 1: Legs and Biceps (all will be 10 reps and 4 sets)
· Squats, Standing Calf Raises, Seated Calf Raises, Leg Press
· Dumbbell Curls, Preacher Curls, Rope Cable Hammer Curls

Day 2: Chest and Triceps (all will be 10 reps and 4 sets)
· Dips (Straight), Seated Overhead Triceps Extensions, Rope Cable Press-Downs
· Flat Bench Press, Incline Dumbbell Press , Incline Dumbbell Flyes , Decline Dumbbell Press

Day 3: Shoulders and Back ( all will be 10 reps and 4 sets)
· Pull-Ups (use the weighted pull-up machine if needed), Seated Rows, Bent Barbell Rows
· Seated Dumbbell Shoulder Press, Lateral Raises, Front Dumbbell Raises, Upright Rows

After you have completed your 3rd day workout, on the 4th day start over with day 1’s workout. Thus on day 4 you should be completing biceps and legs workout. Note that if you are not already working out, then the reps and sets might be a little high for you. You can do 1 of 2 things. First, you may complete the 10 reps and 4 sets at very low weights. Or you may lower the reps and sets until your muscle strength is high and you can perform the high reps and sets.
The muscle build up will take some time so be patient. Try not to miss any days. Also, on the 7th day, make sure you take the day off and get some rest. Put in the effort and you will get a great body! Also be sure to check out this alternative muscle building workout.