Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Swimming As Exercise: A Must!

Swimming is such a great workout and many people tend to overlook it. Many think that swimming is just for fun or actual swimming competitors. This could not be farther from the truth. Everyone should have a swimming workout as it gets you a full body workout. Swimming with make your shoulder, chest, back and leg muscles stronger and more tone. Swimming as exercise is a great alternative to many gym workouts, and you should try the below routine out.

Before you perform the swimming routine, you must make sure you give your body a full body stretch. Since you are using all your muscles when swimming it is very important to have a great stretch performed. Also, you must stay hydrated throughout the entire workout.

Begin your workout with a light swim for 5 minutes. After your 5 minutes are up, stretch out once again, but this time it does not have to be as intense.

Next, perform a freestyle swim for 20 laps. Rest in between at lap 10 for about 30 seconds.

Next, complete a butterfly stroke for 20 laps, also resting at lap 10. By now you should feel your blood pumping.

After the butterfly, complete 20 laps of the back stroke. Once again rest at 10 laps.

Next, complete 30 laps of the freestyle swim. Resting at 10 laps and 20 laps.

Now perform a cool-down swim. Complete 10 laps of the breast stroke and 10 laps of the free-style swim. Stretch out after you are done.

This swimming routine is simple but will get your muscles tone. Swimming as exercise is a great workout for your body and will help you stay in shape.

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